Tuesday, March 24, 2009

And the cause of the recession is.......

As I hear about the recession, everytime I turn on the television, radio, etc., it makes one think that everyone in the US is staying at home (if they still have their home) and not spending any money.

Even in out small town where we have had some local employers close or cut back, we are still a community that is out supporting our economy by spending money. Most times when I go to a store, there is the "normal" amount of people doing their shopping.

As I go through my daily routine, I am constantly asking my clients how their business is going. Some say that things are slow, but most say that they are moving at a good pace, at least keeping up with last year, some exceeding, some a little behind, but on average most are keeping up.

So, given that everyone (in the media) says that we are in a recession, who is determining that? And why is it important for them to promote such things?

Just something to think about.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Catholic Formation

My wife and I are conducting a RCIA class (the second one we have conducted). We really do enjoy being involved in the formation of new catholics, or at least those that are contemplating coming home to the one true church.

 "To teach is to learn twice."  ~Joseph Joubert, Pensées, 1842

The best part of leading this group is that it forces me to sit down and really think about what I beleive and why. What a great leaning experience.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Thoughts on todays readings

If Satan went to God today and said "sure it is easy for Shannon to be faithful, look at all that you have blessed him with", and God then allowed him to take away my blessings (think Job), would I be one who keeps praising God and rejecting the devil?
If God asked me to carry someone I love very much to the top of the mountain and sacrifice them, would I have the faith of Issac? 
I would like to think so. I pray that I will never be tested by God in that way. 
Thanks be to God for giving us both Job and Issac to learn and reflect upon.

Monday, January 26, 2009

They are not alway old Irish men.

Feel blessed to know him.

Sometimes in life, you run across a person that is both Holy and fun. Two thoughts that seem opposed to each other. If you are blessed enough to know that type of person, you lucky person. We have a friend that is just that, through his humor and good nature, you find yourself getting closer to God. Those that know him, know what I am talking about.

Fisher of Men

"You catch them, I'll clean them!" - GOD

Friday, January 23, 2009

This is pretty cool. Who ever said that religious brothers were boring!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Next Post

You may or may not know (if you don't I would understand since I have not mentioned it up to this point) that I am a computer technician. I work for myself and have been doing so for about 8 years now.

It is a very time consuming occupation, but I would not trade it for anything. I really do love my work.

Apart from taking a lot of time, it is also very thought consuming. That is, it keeps me thinking about the problems of others and how I can help fix them.

But the best thing of all is that it allows me to spend the time to go camping (pic is our campsite at Kolomoki mounds at Thanksgiving), hiking, and generally spending time with my best friend and the person that keeps me sane, my wife of almost 19 years, Linda.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The start of a new communication

This is the first entry into my new blog. For those of you who were anxiously awaiting this entry into the bolgosphere, sorry for the delay. ; )